2006 Ryobi 756-P+CX XL SOLD SOLD
2006 Ryobi 756-P+CX XL, 23.62" x 31.02" 6-Color, Perfecting 2/4 or 6/0, Tresu Chambered Anilox Cylinder Tower Coater, PCS-G Printing Control System Console, Preset Paper Size, PDS-E Scanning Densitometer, Ink Volume Setter CIP4, Semi-Automatic Plate Changers, Automatic Ink Roller and Blanket Cylinder Washers, Tresu Ink Temperature Control and Refrigeration, Non-Stop Feeder and Delivery, IR Dryer with Hot Knives, Electrostatic Powder System, Rated 15000 SPH, Low 70mm Impressions, in Production USA - Reference 8101X